Write for the PHB

write for phb

So you’re interested in writing for the Poptropica Help Blog. Awesome! We welcome a diversity of voices here on the PHB, and we’re excited to have you join us. From guest posting to aspiring to join our staff team, here on this page, we’ll explain how you can get involved in producing content for the biggest Poptropica fansite there is. Keep reading!

Guest Posting

phb guest post
An example of a PHB guest post, which you can read here

The easiest and most popular way to get your writing on the PHB is with guest posting, which is when a guest writer (that’s you!) gets to make a post right on our blog. That’s right, you don’t need to be one of the PHB staff to publish right alongside us. You can check out the “Benefits” section below for some reasons as to why you should guest post.

We’ve had over 100 guest posts on the PHB and we’re always looking for more. Some ideas for what you can write about are listed below, but you don’t have to be limited to these! As long as it’s related to Poptropica, we’re interested.

  • Clubhouse Tours: Show off your Poptropica home! [examples here]
  • My Place in Poptropica: Tell the story of how you came to know Poptropica, and what this game/fandom means to you. [examples here]
  • Pop 5: Make a Top 5 list of something Poptropica-related. [examples here]
  • Pop-over: Create Poptropica costumes based on characters of a non-Poptropica franchise and tell us how to put those crossover outfits together. [examples here]
  • Pop Petition: Discuss something you think Poptropica should do to make the game or fandom even more awesome. [examples here]
  • Popspiracy: Come up with a Poptropica conspiracy theory on why something is the way it is or offer possible answers to a mystery. It can even be far-fetched. [examples here]
  • Pop-TROPE-ica: Talk about a common trope (trend) that’s found in the Poptropica universe. [examples here]
  • Reviews: Analyze and criticize islands and other things we haven’t reviewed yet. Give ideas on what could make it better, or talk about why it’s perfect just the way it is. [examples here]

Writing Strategies

There is no word limit, but an aspect of good writing is conveying your message concisely, without bogging down the reader with wordiness. Conversely, you’ll want your writing to have substance, which means fleshing out your ideas with just enough detail. Depending on the subject, we recommend aiming for 300–1,500 words for a post. You can check your word count on your word processor (including WordPress), or use a counter site.

Tip: Try to balance both positives and negatives in your post. While it’s tempting to go off on a long rant if you’re writing about a feature you didn’t like, remember that good criticism is constructive. Acknowledge the weak points and why they’re upsetting, but don’t linger on your anger – instead, point to how there can be improvement.

The Process

From conceiving an idea to seeing your work published online, here’s what the process of guest-writing for the PHB looks like:

  1. Think about what you want to write about. (See the list above for ideas.)
  2. Draft your post on a word processor, such as email, Google Docs, or Microsoft Word.
  3. Send in your guest post by emailing [email protected] with the text and maybe even some images.
  4. We will review everything to make sure it is suitable for our blog, then we’ll respond. We’ll either accept your post or advise you on what changes need to be made in order for it to be accepted. If it’s the latter, we hope you’ll make the necessary changes and send it back to us.
  5. Once your post has been accepted, we’ll proofread it for spelling, grammar, formatting, and possibly tone, in order to present your ideas in the best possible light. While we reserve the right to make such edits, we will take care not to modify your original intentions.
  6. We’ll schedule a time for your post, and soon, you and thousands of other readers will be able to find it published here on the blog!

We’re excited to read and share your ideas with other Poptropicans!

Guide & Article Writing

write for guide
An example of a PHB article that was written by several Poptropicans, including guest writers.

Another option you might consider is guest-writing a PHB guide or other article. Even sending in pictures can be useful, and you’ll be credited!

For Guides (Written Walkthroughs)

Whenever a new island comes out, we work hard to come out with a written walkthrough, known on the PHB as Island Guides, as soon as possible. And anyone is welcome to help!

Whether you can whip up step-by-step instructions and tips on what to do, or supply us with screenshots (or better yet, gifs), the race is on to send all that you can as we put together our guides – which are usually ready within a day or two of an island’s release.

However, there are some things you can help out with in any season. If you have screenshots for steps that any of our guides have not pictured, particularly on our older guides where there are less pictures, we would love to include them. We’re also interested if you have any island trivia we have not yet included in the trivia sections of each guide.

For Other Articles

In addition to Island Guides, the PHB is chock-full of all kinds of other articles, which you can browse with the navigational bar at the top of the site. Our Pop Plus page is a good place to take a look at examples of “extra” articles we’ve written.

If you have an idea for an article that has not been written, well, we invite you to propose the idea — and possibly write the article as well!

Becoming a Staff Writer

phb signpost header jan2018

Over the years, many Poptropicans have aspired to join the ranks of the PHB authors, posting news and other updates on the front page of our blog. Perhaps you’re one of them. And we’re flattered! But before we get any further, we must make a disclaimer: there is no special formula to becoming a PHB staff writer.

With that said, here are some things to keep in mind as to what we look for in a potential PHB staff writer. Remember, having all of these things still does not guarantee you a staff position — but these will at least increase your chances.

  • Whether there’s an opening — Typically, we look for a new author when someone else has stepped down from the team.
  • Blogging/writing experience — To gain experience, you can start and maintain your own site, co-write on another site, or guest post on ours. Good signs include: posting frequently, having interesting things to say, and writing with decent grammar.
  • Activity in the community — By being involved with what’s going on and frequently making contact with other Poptropicans online, whether in the PHB comments, on the PHC Discord, on social media where Poptropica is involved, or on other fan blogs, we can get to know you and your capabilities.
  • Being kind and virtuous — Working with us means getting along with people, both co-authors and readers. A little kindness can go a long way!

While we place importance on these values, this does not mean that every author is a cookie-cutter “PHB type.” Each writer can find their unique voice. We do maintain standards such as writing critically yet graciously, but we also value a diversity of expressions, personalities, and ideas.

No need to apply – and no need for pressure!

We do not usually take applications or requests for authorship; instead, the PHB team chooses together who they might invite as an author. A potential author should show, rather than announce, that they are qualified by their involvement in the community.

When a person is selected to join the PHB staff, they will receive a personal invitation from Slanted Fish on a private messaging channel, usually by Discord. They can then choose to either accept or decline the position.

If you have never been asked to join our staff, do not be discouraged. It could happen one day, but even if it does not, remember that you as a person are much more valuable than whether or not you have a staff position on this blog. And if you do want to write for us, we welcome you to start by guest posting!


Remember, you don’t have to become a staff member to get involved with the work of the PHB. In fact, with such a limited number of spots, most people don’t. But just by sending in a guest post or article, you’ll enjoy some pretty sweet benefits, such as:

  • Having your name in print (and promoting your site) – When your post or article is published, you will be credited by your screen name. If you have a Poptropica site, it may also be hyperlinked to your name, to share with others what else you’re up to in the fandom.
  • Putting your ideas out there – If you have ideas that you think the Poptropica fandom needs to hear, and nobody has said them yet, why not be the one to spark the discussion?
  • Reaching a huge audience – When you write for the PHB, you’re writing for the biggest Poptropica fan site there is, meaning your message will reach a ton of Poptropicans. Every day, thousands of readers visit the front page of the PHB to see what’s new. Thousands more will check out the articles around our site, particularly the help guides. Even the Poptropica Creators may read your post!  Maybe that’s a little scary, but we wouldn’t publish your work if we didn’t think our readers would enjoy it!
  • Getting feedback on your writing – With more readers comes a higher likelihood for comments on your ideas! We’ll also proofread guest posts for grammar and formatting before publishing them, so you can also compare your original draft with the final posted version to see what we’ve changed to present your ideas better.

Pretty awesome, right? So…

Send in your post!

If you love Poptropica, and you have ideas to share, we encourage you to send in a guest post or article for the PHB. The more the merrier!

Just email us at [email protected] or send a message to SlantedFish on Discord (the PHC server). We’ll get back to you, usually within a week!

🌟 Happy blogging! 🌟

123 thoughts on “Write for the PHB”

    1. Hey! I wrote for the PHB in February for some Island History and it was SUPER FUN! I totally recommend it, especially if you are good at storytelling. Please note that you should complete the island(s) you write about, and it you do choose to write, write clearly so people can understand what you are saying.
      Can’t wait to see your amazing writing!
      -Gentle Fang

      1. My Place in Poptropica. It’s basically a storytelling on how you got into Poptropica, what you did, and what now.

        You can search and see some examples if you’re interested. 🙂

    1. Anyone with something to say is welcome to send in a guest post! As for joining the core blogging staff, please refer to the section of this page titled “Becoming a staff writer.” Thanks for your interest! 🙂

  1. Thank you so much for this! I was kinda wondering on how to make an account if that was even necessary – turns out I just had to put in my email and add my name (which is of my Poptropican’s! :D) and BAM! Done! Just like that! But this blog post gets me pretty excited about a possible guest post I have in mind. I still have to think it out completely and I’m a little nervous about it but hopefully it turns out well. Thank you again! 🙂

  2. Hello! I was thinking of starting my own Poptropica blog, and it would be cool the be a PHB author too! I speak in good grammar and I never curse. I was thinking of writing a MPIP or maybe a guest post article explaining the evolution of the fandom or something cool. I also have a sketchbook just full of Poptropica fan art featuring my Poptropican, Red Tomato! The name is funny caus irl I don’t like tomatoes!😜Well that is my comment!-RT🍅

    1. If starting your own blog is something you want to do, I say go for it—it’s a great experience! You can find lots of other bloggers on the PHC’s #blogging channel. As for PHB authorship, that’s covered in this guide page, too.

      We would love to share your MPIP story or another guest post (your idea about the evolution of the fandom sounds intriguing!). You could even share your fan art if you want to make that into a post that introduces your work to us! Hope to hear from you soon, RT! 🍅

      1. ^^^ Your heading graphics are really cool, just wanted to put that out there. Whoever makes them is really good

    1. Realms is down due to technical issues and will likely remain so, since it’s been that way for a while now and the Creators are focusing their resources on Worlds instead of the original game.

  3. I really wanna start a blog but i don’t know what my parents would say, I love writing and blogging (even tho I’ve never had a blog but i have made little things on google docs)
    Should i do it, or no. I’ve made TONS of thing but being public would change my internet life!!
    Please reply!!!

    1. If this is something that interests you, then yes, go for it! Even if you start blogging, you don’t need to use your real name online. If you’re worried about your parents’ reactions, talk to them about it and try to get on the same page about what it means to you, internet safety, and so on.

      Guest blogging on an already-existing site like this one is an option, too, and it doesn’t require that you have your own blog!

  4. BTW i friended you i was surprised you have done pretty much ALL the island Good Job Girl!!!

  5. I already have an idea.I’m going to tell about how I came to poptropica. I also really want to be a PHB staff writer, but I’m probably too young.I am 9.I am turning 10 this December.

    1. Cool! We’d love to share your story on the PHB. We have a series called “My Place in Poptropica” where this would be a great fit. Check out the “Guest Posting” and “Becoming a Staff Writer” sections above. There’s no age requirement! 😉

      1. I just signed up for discord, but I don’t understand how to us it.Could you please teach me?Also, that 😉 emoji makes me very suspicious.😊🤗😆😄😃😀😁😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉💓

  6. I’ve entered my post.I think it’s good enough.I didn’t have it sent back and I sent it yesterday.Any day now!:D 😄😄‼❕❗❗‼⁉🤗🤗🤩🤩🤩😆😁😀👩💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

    1. To make the post more your own, I suggest you come up with your own top 5 — and you can always look back at the archives to see what’s been happening. Check out the dropdown menu labeled “archives” in the sidebar of this site.

  7. Which software did you use for designing your pictures on this blog ( your profile pic etc ) ? Its really good.

  8. I sent something that required a bunch of changes. But I never heard back from them. What’s going on, Slanted Fish?

    1. Just sent you a reply — it’s much the same feedback as the previous. Take a look at some of our other posts of the category you’re writing in for a better idea of what we’re looking for.

  9. Trust me, you don´t want to know how I got into Poptropica, lets just say It was the same way I got into Roblox… (Poptropica: Blue Seal (Debbie2002), Roblox: Princess_Debbie, please friend me) If I find you on Roblox, I´ll tell you there, it´s too complicated…

  10. Hey could you add the islands back

    or at least add a high quality chat room in a darn mansion just like VR chat room
    But not VR chat room but make a big place plus you should add own words system
    i know people might say bad things but add a censored thing if a bad thing is sayed
    welll that all i got please make poptropica a more online chating thing if you want to it would
    DOUBLE your people intake im a game designer i know people are crazy in online chating rooms.

    and for the club house plz could add a door in the clubhouse when you enter all your costumes
    will be sitting there on manikins and if a person is there they can try to but your costume for credits or trade a costume and your can chose a price BUT you can also decline it.

    well thats all i got baiii

  11. Why isn’y my membership working? I got it on the phone but it keeps saying i’m not a member, but when I go to purchase again, it tells me I’m already subscribed, and then it says transaction error and refuses to let me do anything with my membership, because it doesn’t think I have it.

    1. You can share fam art in our DeviantArt community, We-Love-Poptropica! We also occasionally do Fan Artist Spotlights here on the PHB, so you could reach out to us with your favorite works of your own art for a chance to be featured.

  12. I think it’s sad that I have to now pay a membership to play the old islands. I grew up playing those islands and was hoping to revisit some favorites but apparently I cant now without opening my wallet. I find this so unnecessary and kind of unfair.

    1. You can still unofficially visit the old islands with the backdoor method mentioned on our Glitching page and in our latest blog post. The blog post also covers Poptropica’s response as to why they made this members only — basically, because the old tech requires extra maintenance per player so they couldn’t have everyone playing them at once.

  13. Hmmm…. I don’t use Discord, and it looks kind of confusing when I did go on it. I think I’d prefer email, if that is okay.

      1. oh yikes. I have an 8,000+ word post… is there any way to post it? every word is crucial and I’ve tried to shorten it as much as possible

      2. You can send it to us (instructions are on the page) and we’ll work with you about getting things ready for publication. That process may involve cutting some parts — we’ll see, but in general we do try to maintain the writer’s message.

  14. I have an idea for a poptropica island. At the beginning you should choose your powers, or you go through a story that gives you random powers and so you can use your powers to defeat the island and then you will go back and restart the island and so you can see all of the action from more than one perspective! This way you can have tons of fun on only one island.

  15. So. Ive finished all the maps (exept the member one) And ive heard theres more maps. Do you have to finish every single map along with the member one to get new maps?

  16. I would love to be able to write a clubhouse tour and a Poptropican fashion post. But because of my email, I don’t know if I will be able to make a post. If not then it’s fine.

  17. How do I get the pictures/images in the contact page? Is there a field already to submit them in, or do I have to somehow send in the pictures for the guest blogs I want to do. I could do it by email, but because of it’s my school email address, you might not be able to respond. Is it possible that I could just write the blog on email, send it in so you get it, and respond back in the comment section, or maybe privately message me on the discord for the PHB.

    1. If you’re using the contact form, the only way to send pics would be as links (upload them to an image hosting site like imgur or Discord). Otherwise, you can also email them to us. We can respond here in the comments or by Discord DMs.

  18. I’m trying to become a guest blogger for the Poptropica creator’s blog because I have an idea for a Poptropica fan fiction .However Poptropica has not responded and it’s been over a week since my first message. If poptropica does not respond after a while I might consider trying to put it on here.

    1. You’ll need to enter a valid email address when submitting for Poptropica to be able to respond back to you. We’re happy to share your fanfic too, but if major revisions are needed before publishing, we’d like to be able to contact you as well.

    1. Can’t wait! Do you mind telling me where to look for it?

      1. I think it’s going to be a guest blog here! (If it gets accepted, of course…) I’m really glad to see that you’re interested!

    1. Sorry I might not always get to emails so quickly, but generally it’ll be within a week. Remember that it also takes a bit of work from our end to check that the post fits our publishing standards, and then to format it for publication. Thanks for bearing with us!

      1. Slanted fish, I sent you a email about a new post Tuesday or Wednesday, and you responded that you would post it soon, but it still isn’t there. Did something happen?

  19. Hi. Do you think it would be a good guest post if I just shared the Popsonas of me and some of my friends? (Don’t worry, they agreed to this, if it could happen)

What's popping, Poptropicans?