
Winners of the PHB’s Land Construction Contest!

Land contest

What’s popping, Poptropicans! Blake here, with the long-awaited results of the Poptropica Help Blog’s Land Construction Contest! I got seven total entries, which was a little disappointing considering the PHB’s audience, but nonetheless, the results must be posted! The winner…

of the Land contest… *fumbles with envelope* …is… Why is it not opening..? *envelope opens* Aah, there it is. The winner of the Poptropica Land Construction Contest is… well, we had a lot of great entries, and I don’t want to offend anyone, but…


You guys have been at that door since I joined! GO HOME! “Okay..”

:: winner ::

Anyway, the winner, with no more stalling, is Silver Wolf with her Holes-based Land! Holes is a really good film and it’s based on the novel by the same name, written by Louis Sachar.

Not only was this build really well-crafted, it also really struck a chord with the judges: me, my two clones, and CaptainSpencer, avid PHB reader! Well done, SW! (As usual, click to enlarge all images.)

Congratulations to Silver Wolf for her impressive display of creativity! I’ll be getting to you shortly with the information of the rare account you’ve won!

:: runners-up ::

Now, for the remainders — the runners-up:

In 2nd place, we have Spotted Dragon with her Cloud Kingdom Land! This land was really well-built too, although it took me a bit to make it up to take pictures:

In 3rd place, we have Imagi Cat with her prison cell! Again, I was limited to only taking a screenshot of a small portion as the structure was built close to the ground — but this is pretty original!

Screenshot 2014-09-09 at 6.04.28 PM

In 4th place, we have Magic Fire with her self-portrait! Since the Creators can take way better pictures than I can, and they featured MF’s Land on their blog, I’ll just insert the same picture for you guys:


Coming up in 5th place, we have Nameless Undefined with her… well, I actually don’t know what it is, because my Chromebook decided it was too awesome to capture a picture of it for you guys. (Maybe she’ll supply us with a screenshot?)

Next, in 6th place, we have Davina N. with her bunker! This bunker has ELEVEN, count them, ELEVEN layers of apocalypse protection!

Screenshot 2014-09-09 at 6.27.46 PM

In 7th place, we have, by personal request, MrSomeRandomPerson with their bridge!

Screen Shot 2014-09-10 at 6.54.08 pm

Anyway, hope you enjoyed looking at all the cool Lands that PHB viewers have come up with! Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for participating in this PHB event! 🙂

17 thoughts on “Winners of the PHB’s Land Construction Contest!”

      1. Let me see if I still have the file, my dad might’ve deleted it since I had to save it from the School Computer. Thanks 🙂

  1. Sorry for being off topic on this post, but I’m not certain if this is a glitch that the creators have made or what, but if you look at your island medallions, there is one pre-uploaded medallion that says “Home – not yet completed”. Interesting… o.o See for yourselves!!

  2. Congrats to everyone who entered! (All of you members are so lucky for Poptropica Land…)

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