Contests, Stolen Snapshots

Error 904: Snapshot not found (Search Party September!)


Smile! Hey guys, Slip here.

Are you ready? Man, it’s already Snap-tember! We’re on our way down to the end of 2016! I hope there are more surprises for us to discover!

Speaking of surprises – Stolen Snapshots is back! I’ve got a crazy awesome announcement for all of you. There won’t be any snapshots in this post. Wait, what? Yep, no snapshots in this post.

I know you’re wondering there, but let me introduce you this month’s PHB event… by posting it in the GIF below!


Welcome to Search Party September where’ll you be out all night looking for a Poptropica snapshot!

For two weeks, starting today (9/4) until 9/17, fourteen snapshots will be posted each day by the various PHB staff on the Poptropica Help Chat (PHC)! If you’re one of the first three (3) players who can guess the snapshot, then you’ll have a chance to be immortalized on the Stolen Snapshot page along with other awesome sleuths!

Here’s what you need to remember before guessing:

  1. You cannot spam your answers. Think thoroughly before sending it in.
  2. You need to tag the author(s) along with the entry.
  3. The snapshot will only be out for a day so if no one has guessed the snapshot, then no one wins!
  4. Winners will be posted on the 18th of September! 🙂

Drop by the PHC today to check for the first snapshot! Remember, for Search Party September, your guesses should be posted on the PHC, not the PHB comments! Also, be sure to check back every day for a new snapshot!

I now declare the start of the event! The snapshot should be posted soon. Stay alert everyone, and of course, stay awesome.


14 thoughts on “Error 904: Snapshot not found (Search Party September!)”

What's popping, Poptropicans?