Reality TV Island, Sneak Peeks, Web Development

Hey armadillos, the Poptropica Store is open!

Shark Boy worded the great update very well on the Creators’ Blog:

 Today is a BIG day for Poptropica; we have opened the doors to our new online store where you can buy awesome outfits, abilities, and more! To purchase anything in the store you need Poptropica credits. You get 100 credits FREE for every island you complete, or you can purchase more with a credit card.

Quick Tips:
*Some outfits allow you to change their colors!
*Some outfits have special abilities. For instance,you just press the SPACEBAR key on your computer, and the Rock Stars will rock out on their guitars!

Thanks, Shark Boy!

So, log in and spend your credits! There’s lots of cool and exciting things with this new update. Firstly, to access it, click on the 3-dimensional star icon on the top-right corner, next to the Inventory. If you would like to, there is now an option to change your password! Therefore, please don’t post any more accounts on the Poptropica Talk page as they most likely will be stolen.

As mentioned above, you will get 100 credits for each island you complete! If you haven’t already finished all of them, check out our handy Island Help guides. Alternatively, you can also buy your credits with real world money using a credit card. Thanks to Grey Flame for the image found at

Poptropica Store Info

Some costumes have a special action, such as Robin Hood. To perform this action, wear the costume and then press the space bar on your keyboard. For example, the Robinhood Outfit will cause your character to shoot an arrow with the bow. These actions could be useful for making videos!

By the way, female characters (girls) have more options in the “Special Costumes” area. There is more stuff they can wear there that boys don’t get to purchase, such as the “Fairy Queen” or “Geisha”!

To access these purchased items, go to your Inventory, and click on the scroll bar at the top. Click on the gold words, which say “Purchased Items”, and you’ll be able to use your items! Also, you may have noticed the Games button to be gone. Well, don’t worry too much – right underneath “Purchased Items” is “Games”, where you can see all your game cards. And as some of you have seen – right underneath Games is Astro-Knights! They’re probably just preparing for the island’s release, but there’s another hint that it’s coming really soon.

And Poptropica’s homepage has slightly changed! The buttons at the bottom of where you log in have now been formed into a bar, which looks much nicer. Thanks again to Grey Flame for taking this picture for us:

Homepage Bar Buttons

It was a beautiful Monday morning. Ned Noodlehead decided to take the day off to visit his favorite vacationing spot, Reality TV Island. The sun was shining down his back, and he loved how it felt. He strolled through the forests quietly, admiring nature, gasping at every little leaf. And suddenly, out popped an armadillo, big and brown, but with a friendly smile. It looked up at Ned. Ned shyly smiled back and waved. “Isn’t he cute?” he said aloud.

Blog Post Title: A New Little Friend
Description: When I’m traveling from island to island on my adventures I’m always eager to make new friends. This little guy was the latest to become my new friend. Isn’t he cute?
Image URL:
Image Name: little_friend.jpg

In other news, make sure you check out our super-rare monster giveaway contest in the post above! The entry deadlines are in one week.

58 thoughts on “Hey armadillos, the Poptropica Store is open!”

  1. yay first comment the poptropica store is well fun and i cant wait too get 100 credits from Astro Knights Island to get an outfit

  2. the store is pretty cool. i got an eygptian queen outfit, a queen-ish outfit and a singer outfit. When will AK come out? Anyone know?

    ST: Today (June 4th for my timezone, June 3rd for some other people) if you buy an early access ticket for 500 credits, or it will be released to the public on June 10th.

      1. me four. astro knights is out with an early pass, but i cant log in to by one!

      2. Me seven? Anyway, I don’t have enough credits to buy an early pass, and won’t have Internet access for 3 months as of this Friday. Too bad.

      3. I’m not sure if this is happening to anybody else, but when I try to log in, it says my username doesn’t exist. -.-” I logged in recently, and I didn’t change my password. I wanted to buy the pass, too. =(

  3. AK is now out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, you have to pay 500 credits for early access!!!! Otherwise, for the rest of us, June 10th.

      1. Exactly. It’s really weird. It wouldn’t work at all when I tried to log on. I created a new character, but it was really slow.

      2. With Big Nate Island the same thing happened. I had to wait a couple days before it would load at normal speeds.

      1. Did you read The Wedneday Wars or Shapkespeare? “Toads, Beatles, and Bats” comes from there.

  4. I think in the picture with the armadillo, you have to use him to hit the coconut in the corner into the wall. You can tell because there’s a big dent, exactly the size of the coconut!

  5. Like some other people said, I can wait for AstroKnights. It’s only going to be a week, after all! I don’t want to waste my credits on early access, it just isn’t worth it in my opinion. But those of you who want to, go ahead 😀

    1. Exactly how I feel. My friends bought like, EVERYTHING they wanted to buy. Unlike them, I’M saving my money. (Wow, this sounds off-topic) Anyways, LOVE the store.

    2. I chose a not so used account of mine and with the credits she had, bought the ticket, the AK island is so much fun!

      1. Yeah, that’s what I did! But did you get to the Jungle Planet yet? The unicorn game is so hard for me!

  6. my mom wants me to save the credits she gave me, the astroknights thing is a waste but i want it sooo bad!!!the wait for astroknights is unbearable!!!

  7. I’m in a mood for some poetry…

    “AK Island has been released,
    For those who have stayed in wait
    Or must simply spend!

    Many had fallen for the bait,
    For the hook and its line
    In the opinion of many.

    They say,”Why should I waste?
    The credits I earned
    Must not be thrown away!”

    Many see it differently,
    In a way
    Such as the moon!In its time of darkness in space.
    “I have bought my pass!” They say. “I have proceeded in haste,
    But I know what I’m doing
    I’ve paid away my hay.”

    And some, oh sadly, do not have the funds
    To pay for a costly ticket
    They sit and stare
    At the Poptropica screen.

    The final result is debatable,
    On which of them is best
    The first mentioned have thought long-term,
    While the other has proceeded to enjoy.

    It all depends on what will happen
    In the future, near and far
    For soon enough,
    The result will unveil,
    To show the wisest of all.

    1. It’s not good, I didn’t really plan it out. Hope it dosen’t take up too much space…please don’t delete it.

  8. Poptropica is down for maintenance…once again. I wonder what will happen this time. 0.0

    1. What could this mean??? Astro-Knights is out, at least for the early access poptropicans. So, what could they be doing??? Could they have noticed a glitch in Astro-Knights or something and needed to fix it??? Oh, don’t know if anyone noticed but on the map, it says Reality TV coming summer 2009!!! YAY!!!!!! 😆

    2. They probably have to get the Astro-Knights Island Online. And set up the early access for the people who paid. it will probably be down on June 10th, too.

      1. Yeah, you’re probably right. It now says on the website that there was an overwhelming demand for Astro-Knights, and they’re trying to fix it.

  9. sparkly icicle, to get to the dungeon, go to the library in the big castle. There are gold plates up on the wall with different letters. Under the one that says “Mcm” click on the whitish brick.

  10. I bought the midnight ninja suit,the renegade robot outfit and the templar knight with sword was the one also the pass for astro-knight’s island I cant fight the mother pheonix!

  11. to fight mother pheonix you have to avoid everything else but when she comes you have to hold down your mouse and when the laser is green shoot it at mother pheonix but dodge her missiles and when she attacks from behind dodge her and when she comes at the front shoot her with the big lasers again and keep doing that till she falls apart and you WIN!

What's popping, Poptropicans?